Past Events
2025 Events
-- Bataan Death March Commemoration, San Francisco National Cemetery, 4/5/25
-- Quilts of Valor, Lyndon House, Athens, GA, 2/18/25
-- CGC Blackthorn Memorial, St Petersburg, FL, 1/28/25
-- Funeral Service Larry Duncan, MO Task Force 1, New Franklin, MO, 1/26/25
-- Funeral Service for Mr. Warren Allen, Beltsville, MD, 1/22/25
-- D5 Flotilla 17 Change of Watch, Philadelphia, PA, 1/20/25
-- SFFD Department Chief Installation, San Francisco, 1/17/25
-- Captain Jared King Retirement, USCG HQ Command, 1/13/24
-- USN Veterans Funeral, Loganville, GA, 1/3/25
2024 Events
-- FLotilla 29 Change of Watch, Bear's Best C.C., 12/7/24
-- Reunion Veterans Appreciation Event, Reunion Country Club, 11/11/24
-- Veteran’s Remembrance – University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, 11/11/24
-- Veteran’s Day Program, Sponsored by The University of North Georgia (Gainesville Campus), UNG Student Center Gainesville Campus, 11/11/24
-- Veterans Day Celebration / Honors, Kelly Mills Elem. School, 11/11/24
-- Funeral for Merchant Marine Wiper Elvis Spotts, Armstrong, MO, 11/9/24
-- Gainesville Homeschool Academy Veterans Day Program, Rock Creek Veterans Park, Gainesville, GA, 11/8/24
-- Ceremony for the Second Annual LT Bob Honiball (USMC) Memorial Trap Shoot and “Toys for Tots” Fundraiser, Cherokee Gun Club, Gainesville, GA, 11/4/24
-- USAMRA Monthly Meeting and Visit to Traveling Viet Nam Wall, University of North GA, Dahlonega, GA, 11/2/24
-- Ceremony for the 2024 Inductees into the Veteran Memorial Markers of Dahlonega, Dahlonega Historic Courthouse, Dahlonega, GA, 10/22/24
-- Funeral/Croosing the Bar Ceremony for David Eberle, USCGAux, Lakemount Dr, Moneta, VA, 10/21/24
-- Memorial Service for Reidsville Fire Fighter (ret), Davie Eberle, Evergreen Memory Gardens, Reidsille, NC, 10/18/24
-- Internment for USCM veteran, Western Reserve National Cemetery, Seville, OH, 10/4/24
-- Quilts of Valor, Presbyterian Village, Athens, GA, 9/21/24
-- Quilts of Valor, Oconee Library, Watkinsville, GA, 9/21/24
-- National POW/MIA Ceremony, Solano County Viet Nam Veterans Memorial - Vacaville, CA, 9/20/24
-- POW/MIA Ceremony, The Villages, FL, 9/20/24
-- Funeral for BH Blankenship Member of F81 Smith Mt lake, First Baptist Church Altavista, VA, 9/20/24
-- USCG Auxiliary D11N Memorial Ceremony, CG island, Alameda, CA, 9/21/24
-- 9/11 Ceremony, Mount Holly Municipal Building, 9/11/24
-- Trainka Davis VA Village, Carrollton, GA, 9/9/24
-- Retirement Ceremony and Celebration for BMC Taylor, Fort Dix NJ, 8/23/24
-- OHIO POW/MIA Memorial Ride, Clinton, OH, 8/10/24
-- CG Festival Grand Parade, Grand Haven, MI, 8/3/24
-- Coast Guard Walk of History Dedication, City Hall, Grand Haven, MI, 8/2/24
-- National Coast Guard Memorial Service, Escanaba Park, Grand Haven, MI, 8/2/24
-- Danville, Rotary Field of Honor, Langston High School, 7/4/24
-- Novato Ca. Independence Day Parade, Novato, CA, 7/4/24
-- DMC Celebration of 4th of July, Dahlonega, GA, 7/4/24
-- CWO4 Michael Rieman Retirement, Galveston, TX, 7/3/24
-- Pittsylvania County Virginia, Chatham Rotary Club Field of Honor, Old Dominion Ag. Center, 6/29/24
-- MSTC Ashley Murphy Retirement, Texas City, TX, 6/21/24
-- CWO2 Stegall Funeral, Nederland, TX, 6/18/24
-- D14 Change of Command, Base Honolulu, 6/18/24
-- LODD for DOC Sgt Nicole Ellzey, California City Cemetery, California, MO, 6/15/24
-- San Francisco Fire Dept. Battalion Chief Michael Ryan Memorial Service, Fort Mason Firehouse, San Francisco CA, 6/15/24
-- Law enforcement academy recruit graduation, Grace Bible Church, Columbia, MO, 6/14/24
-- Normandy Freedom Trip 2024 - 80th Anniverary of D-Day, Multiple Venues in Belgium, Luxembourg and Normandy France, 5/28/24-6/9/24
-- Memorial Day Ceremony, 5050 US HWY 129, Cleveland, GA, 5/27/24
-- Memorial Day Service, Danville, VA National Cemetery, 5/26/24
-- Lighthouse keeoer Retirement, Hull, MA, 5/22/24
-- 2024 Memorial Marker Induction Ceremony, Gold Museum, Dahlonega Square, Dahlonega, GA, 5/21/24
-- Southeast Florida Honor Flight, PBIA, 5/18/24
-- Honor Flight - San Francisco #34, San Francisco International Airport, 5/18/24
-- Funeral Service for Laura Sundgaard, wife of CAPT (ret) Greg Sundgaard, Evergreen Venue, Rainbow City, AL, 5/16/24
-- MKC Landheer Retirement, Sector Lake Michigan, Milwaukee, WI, 5/15/24
-- Tennessee National Military Golf Tournament, Opening Ceremony, Loudon, TN, 5/13/24
-- British War Graves Memorial, Ocracoke, NC, 5/10/24
-- British War Graves Memorial, Buxton, NC, 5/9/24
-- National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service, NETC, Emmitsburg, MD, 5/5/24
-- National Fallen Firefighters Candelight Vigil, NETC, Emmitsburg, MD, 5/4/24
-- 2024 Combined Hawaiian Islands CCTI, Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, 5/4/24
-- Missouri Annual LE Memorial Ceremony, North side of the Missouri State Capital bldg, 5/4/24
-- CWO Megan Johnson Retirement Ceremony, AJC Federal Bldg, Cleveland, OH, 5/2/24
-- City of Roswell National Day of Prayer, Roswell City Hall, Roswell, GA, 5/2/24
-- Quilts of Valor, CPQ Athens, GA, Lyndon House, 4/27/24
-- LCDR Conter Memorial Service, USS Arizona, 4/23/24
-- PACAREA CG Gala 2024, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, 4/19/24
-- Battan Death March Commemoration, San Francisco National Cemetry, 4/13/24
-- 22nd Annual Blue Mass, St Roberts Cathedral, Trenton, NJ, 4/4/24
-- Funeral for Independence PD officer Cody Allen, Odessa, MO, 3/8/24
-- Retirement ceremony for SKC Noelle E. Irish, Ft Dix, NJ, 3/2/24
-- San Francisco Police Department Academy Graduation, Scottish Rite Masonic Ctr. San Francisco, 2/29/24
-- Quilts of Valor, CPQ of Athens, GA, Lyndon House, Athens, GA, 2/27/24
-- Korean War Unknown Repatriation, Punchbowl Cemetery, Honolulu, HI, 2/23/24
-- Suncoast Highland Games, Palmetto, FL, 2/10/24
-- Law enforcement academy recruit graduation, Columbia, MO, 2/8/24
-- Funeral for Staff Sergeant Richard Williams, Georgia Army National Guard, Blairsville, GA, 2/2/24
-- CGC Blackthorn Memorial, Blackthorn Memorial Park, St Petersburg, FL, 1/28/24
-- D5NR, Division 17 Change of Watch, Philadelphia, PA, 1/20/24
-- USCG Auxiliary, DIV 2 Change of Watch, Bears Best, Suwanee, GA 30024, 1/6/24
-- Retirement Ceremony DC1 Theodore King, Fort Dix, NJ, 1/6/24
For Examples of Previous years performances, click on the links below
U.S. Coast Guard Pipe Band, Inc.
290 NW Peacock Blvd #881316
Port Saint Lucie , Florida 34988