U.S. Coast Guard Pipe Band portrait

USCG Photo by PAC Tom Sperduto

U.S. Coast Guard Clan Badge imageWelcome, Aye!

Events for 2025

Event Location Date
San Francisco Fire Dept. Assistant Chief Art Kenney Memorial Service St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco 3/20/25
555 Honors Detachment for Unaccompanied Veterans Memorial Service Western Reserve National Cemetery 5/14/25
Retirement for Capt Bender St Louis, MO 6/13/25
National Veterans Day Parade Washington D.C. 11/9/25
555 Honors Detachment for Unaccompanied Veterans Memorial Service Western Reserve National Cemetery 11/25/25

If the event appears in Bold, check the Special Event in the Members area for event specific details

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U.S. Coast Guard banner graphic

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary banner graphic

Coast Guard Festival at Grandhaven, MI, banner graphic

Coast Guard Recruiting Banner Graphic

Listen to Semper Paratus (444kb WAV)



U.S. Mail

U.S. Coast Guard Pipe Band, Inc.
290 NW Peacock Blvd #881316
Port Saint Lucie , Florida 34988